Health and Safety Made Simple!

With extensive experience working in the Charity, Health and Social Care and Retail Sector, our experts at Five Henry Risk Management have a thorough in-depth knowledge and understanding of the enormous challenges these sectors face relating to effectively managing health and safety.

We tailor our solutions to each client, so they can be sure that what they have in place is suited to them. This is achieved by applying our basic principles of maintaining simplicity, practicability and creating workable solutions to your health and safety needs. All of our policies, procedures and good practices guides are user-friendly easy to be implemented making it quite easy to achieve “buy in” from the workforce at all level.

So, why not let our Fire Safety and Health and Safety Consultants in the UK help you remain legally compliant with the relevant safety Legislations and Regulations.

Fire Risk Assessment

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the Responsible Person (RP) to carry out a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment. Our experts fire risk assessor will help you remain compliant with the fire safety legislation. 

Fire Risk Assessment
Health & Safety Consultancy

Whether you need a “Competent Person” for unlimited health and safety support or a one off risk management support for your business, we got you covered!

Our experience health and safety consultants are her for you.

Health and Safety Consultancy
Health and Safety Training

Training is essential to ensure employees safe working practices in the workplace. Our range of training courses, will help you comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 which requires employers to provide relevant information, instruction, training and supervision to their employees. 


Our sole principle is to provide simple, practical and workable solutions to your health and safety needs

Why Manage Health and Safety?

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 legislation places specific duties and responsibilities on every employer and self-employed to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare at work of all their employees and anyone who could be affected by his operations. The legislation also states that as an employer, you must appoint a competent person or people to help you meet your health and safety legal duties.

Our Fire Safety and Health and Safety Consultants in the UK will help you remain legally compliant with the relevant safety Legislations and Regulations.

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